Our Coffee House Staff

Chris Churches

Executive Director

Stephanie Hayes

Coffee House Director

Valerie Martinez

Community Director

Jacquelyn Churches


Jared Montano

Co-Manager Greyhound Grounds Coffee House

Mireya Montoya

Co-Manager Greyhound Grounds Coffee House

Gen Hernandez

Assistant Manager of Reunion Coffee House

Brooklyn Ray

Assistant Manager of Reunion Coffee House

Kyla Stopperan

Taza Manager

Jennifer Byrd

Manager of Anythink Coffee House

Jessica Dressel

CUP Community Coordinator

Beth Coe

Lead Accountant


We are currently seeking new board members to join us for a 3-year term. We are a board passionate about our community and the vision behind CUP. We help the organization with fund development, networking, and committee work. We are in need of board members familiar with skills in HR, Law, Mental Health, and community members interested in impacting lives of young adults.

If you are interested in applying for a position on our board, please click the link for the specific roles and responsibilities of our board.


Victoria Villarreal

CUP Board President

David Laird

CUP Board Vice President

Dr. Midge Mougey

CUP Board Member

Will Daiss

Board Member

Jessica Cummings

Board Member

Join our Board!

Passionate about young adults and growing hometown heroes? Join our team!

Board Application

Young Adult Mentors

Our young adults work alongside Mentors that are active listeners and who are enthusiastic about helping them achieve their goals. Our Mentors are teachers, sponsors, advisors, agents, role models, coaches, confidantes and so much more. It's because of our mentors that our Young Adults feel seen, loved and valued.

As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.
Proverbs 27:17


Chris Churches

Roy Mickelson

Kyla Stopperan

Taza Manager

Stephanie Hayes

Valerie Martinez